Monday, March 16, 2009

Losing my manhood??

So I would like your opinion on this one (this is a test to see who is reading...not that i write that often or care at all).

Saturday night Jack and I (just the two of us...weird..) went to the Pussycat Dolls concert in Prague. I don't know what to think of was good...the music wasn't my favorite, but the performers were just amazing dancers. There were a lot of guys there like us that didn't seem to be with their girlfriends or wives. It seemed like a pretty mixed crowd....there were a lot of little girls there with their mothers though...

The best part of the night is that it didn't matter what section our tickets were. We climbed into different sections twice with the last section being the VIP one on the side of the stage...pretty cool!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't think looking at a bunch of hotties dancing around in their skivvies qualifies as losing your manhood.....

  3. The fact that you went? not SO bad.
    The fact that you've been WAITING to go? pretty bad.

  4. They look like skanky pussycat dolls. Wouldn't that increase your manhood?
