Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bratislava and Brno

Eastern Europe! Yeah!
We went to the Slovak Pub for lunch. It was huge and every chair was whimsy and could break any minute. The menu was funny and had a lot of student options...

We went to two castles in Bratislava. The Devin Castle and Bratislava Castle. Devin is to the north where the two rivers meet. It was beautiful and out in the middle of nowhere. Napoleon destroyed it so no it is mostly ruins. Then the Bratislava castle is being restored for the next 5 years so we walked around up there anyway...

The weekend we went to Bratislava was Bratislava weekend and museums and tours were free. We took a free city walking tour but the boat ride we didnt get on in time...because the Slovaks all cut the line and pushed ahead in front of us. Then we went to the National museum and the exhibits cost money...on free museum day...hmmm

Overall...nice town...not really like the movie Eurotrip

Then we went to Brno which is the second largest city in the Czech Republic and saw the Fed Cup match between the Czech Republic and the US. It is a big international tennis tournament. We were the only loud USA fans in the whole arena. Our seats were in the last row but after the first set we moved to the first row on the other side behind the american team.
The crowd was really loud after a point was scored with boom or thundersticks...and then everyone got quiet for the serve. If the Czechs won the point, the crown would scream and beat their sticks together, and if the Americans won, Dan and I would yell and clap our thundersticks and we would be the only ones.
The American players and coaches noticed us and started to cheer at us...we had to leave a little early to catch the bus back to Prague...but the Americans ended up winning!

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